Self Storage in Leicester, Coventry, Castle Donington & Northampton

Booking is easy and takes 2 minutes!

Before booking, please make sure you have a picture or scan of your photo ID and proof of address identification ready to use.

Step 1: Please select the location of your booking

Castle Donington

Sycamore Road, Trent Lane Industrial Estate, Castle Donington, DE74 2NW

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Coventry Exhall

25 Brindley Road Zone 3A, Bayton Road Industrial Estate, Exhall Coventry CV7 9EP

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Leicester North

Mountain Road, (behind Dryad Education), Hamilton Ind. Est., Leicester, LE4 9HQ

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Northampton North

Edgemead Close, Round Spinney Industrial Estate, Northampton, NN3 8RG

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